

Most entries below contain actual legal discussions of events directly related to Filipinos in or immigrating to the United States.
Remember- These writings are provided for general information only and do not constitute legal advice, nor do they create any attorney-client relationship. Each person's needs and requirements are different and require a personal evaluation to determine the proper legal course of action.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Expected Overhaul of Philippine Immigration Law

After years of planning, there has now been substantial progress towards reforming the immigration laws of The Philippines.  A draft immigration reform bill was approved by the House of Representatives Justice Committee on March 9 before being sent to the Appropriations Committee for review prior to being called up in a House plenary session. 

Included among the many proposed changes are provisions promoting investment and streamlining the immigration processes.

                                Pictured:  Hon. Feliciano Belmonte, Jr,; Attorney Jim Austin

The day after the bill was passed out of committee, it was discussed at a meeting between visiting U.S. immigration law attorneys and the House Justice Committee.  Also discussed during the meeting, hosted and led by House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr., was the progress made towards resolving several other issues hindering foreign investment in the country. It was a very informative meeting.

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