

Most entries below contain actual legal discussions of events directly related to Filipinos in or immigrating to the United States.
Remember- These writings are provided for general information only and do not constitute legal advice, nor do they create any attorney-client relationship. Each person's needs and requirements are different and require a personal evaluation to determine the proper legal course of action.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Visit with Philippine Consul General Calonge

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of sharing a light dinner with two distinguished gentlemen from the Philippine Consulate of Chicago; Consul General Generoso D.G. Calonge and Vice Consul Ricarte B. Abujuella III. 

Being a successful foreign service officer requires special talents. dedication and special talents. serving in the Foreign Service requires work takes a special type of person. Intelligence, discretion and a desire to serve the best interests of their country are required. Consul General Calonge has certainly exhibited these traits, serving as the Ambassador to Israel prior to being posted to Chicago. 

Filipinos in the U.S. can take pride in the quality of their foreign service officers and the positive image they present to the world.